Meet Craig
"Peoples Choice Award"
Sidney Fine Art Show 2004
The Artist
Craig was born on Little Mountain in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada in 1949. Carving became a hobby while he pursued an education in environmental studies. His post-graduate career in wildlife management and habitat protection kept Craig in close contact with his artistic subjects, and took him to many wild areas of North America. Following a stay in Rivers Inlet on BC's remote central coast, he moved with his young family to Victoria B.C. in 1987. His lifelong interests in art and nature called him to a full-time carving career in 1990. In May 1995, the desire to live closer to the rugged natural beauty of the coast brought him to Piers Island, a small community in the Gulf Islands north of Victoria, where he and his partner Lynn designed and built their new home and studio. Craig is passionate about life on earth, its mystery, magic, beauty and diversity. His work celebrates and honours the creatures with which we share this planet.

River Otter Bowl
Photo by A. Fedorov
In often compromising times of mass production and "bottom-line" decisions, the world can overwhelm an artist. Carving is where Craig's overwhelm stops. Each work is carved with care from a single piece of wood or stone. His desire is to represent not only the physical likeness of his subject, but also its character, so that the viewer not only recognizes the beauty of the finished artwork, but also feels drawn to the energy and spirit of the creature itself. Ultimately Craig judges his work a success if the viewer feels the same sense of oneness with nature that the artist feels as he works.
Craig's belief in the importance of uncompromising craftsmanship brings lasting value to his beautifully finished pieces.